Product Guru Supplier Focus – Into the World of LilyBee

We spoke with co-founder and CEO of LilyBee, Robert Rennie about their company. 

LilyBee is a family owned Scottish based manufacturer of Wellness creams & associated products.

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Tell us more about your company. 

LilyBee is a family owned Scottish based manufacturer of Wellness creams & associated products. Our products are made with natural, organic ingredients, our packaging is 95% Biodegradable & 100% Recyclable. The products are of a high quality and our branding reflects that quality.

Is there a specific product you've particularly proud of and why?

The key product is the Magnesium cream with essential oils. It's the product that Katy created to start the company.

(Read Katy's story on the website).

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What do you most enjoy about your business?

That Katy has created a range of products that are aimed at helping people and the response from customers has confirmed that we are achieving that objective. We are also really proud of managing to get our packaging to be part of the sustainability we are aiming for, the squeezy tubes our magnesium cream comes in is made from Sugar Cane and a Bamboo lid. The development of new products and the challenge of growing the business.

 For the founder/face of the brand - when not working, what do they enjoy doing?

Katy is the original ock Chiic, she loves listening to her favourite music AC/DC, Guns n Roses, Van Halen, Journey and many more, she also loves spending time with the dogs, we have an all Black German shepherd and a mini Pinscher.

How many people work for the business? 

Currently 3, but looking to expand to 5 by Xmas.



Who do you sell your products to? 

All types of consumers (menopausal women, Pregnant and post pregnancy women, Men and Women who have aches, pains & muscle cramps and many more applications), the LB Recovery product is aimed at the sports and Gym users market. The sea Moss moisturiser to all consumers who want to keep their skin looking young and healthy.



What are your ambitions for the company?

We want LilyBee products on the retail shelves of the world. We have 5 new products certified which will come online by the end of August and another 5 under development. We want to be known as a quality brand made with natural ingredients that help people overcome the aches and pain challenges of every day life

What do you think of the free Product Guru platform? What encouraged you to join?

So far it's looking great, the Trust pilot reviews were fantastic which helped make our decision much easier We want to get our products out to the market and need help, product Guru will hopefully take us closer to our dream of seeing our products on the shelves of the retail market.

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